The 5 'W's' & 1 'H'

Who: The visionary Camden County Board of Commissioners (CCBOC) developed the Spaceport project for Georgia.

What: Over a dozen commercial space companies have signed intentions of bringing high tech jobs to Camden. It's time to bring those companies on board and to make a profit.

When: The Spaceport project has never been done before and takes time. Any new aerospace project typically takes from 7 to 11 years to get off the ground. The faces of the CCBOC have changed over the 8 years of development and licensing, AND YET the goals (see What above and Where and Why below) have not changed. This is proof of the integrity of the CCBOC, but a selfish few opposed to the project spread propaganda against the CCBOC. On December 20 2021, Camden County was awarded a very valuable license. The Federal Aviation Administration awarded Camden County Georgia only the 5th Vertical FAA Spaceport.

Where: The Spaceport project will bring back the pristine land and marshes of old chemical plants. A new road will need to be built because Harrietts Bluff Road has logging trucks and lots of dangerous curves. The Spaceport will need a safer means for customers, workers, tourists, and school tours to access the site.

Why: JOBS. The Spaceport project repurposes industrial zoned lands that have been derelict for 30 years. This land will have multiple commercial space companies on site and they will be paying taxes to fund Sheriff's (helicopters, canines, SWAT), EMTs, Fire and Rescue, and infrastructure. The monies spent thus far will be easily recouped in less than two years. After that, every dollar generated will be profit for the county taxpayers. But the project has to get to the point of launching first.

How: The bulk of the work and expenses have occurred to get the license. We're almost there. With your enthusiastic voice, the CCBOC and your state representatives can press on to the goal line. Now is not the time to give up. Contact us below to show your support and then go the extra mile and leave a message of encouragement with the County Commissioners at 912-576-5601.

GOALS in yellow

Georgia's Colleges, Universities, and Technical Colleges

Are training grounds for high paying technical jobs in the Commercial Space Industry.

TCSG locations
TCSG locations

Disciplines available in the Technical College System of Georgia that can be used in the Commercial Space Industry:

  • Industrial Technologies

  • Engineering & Bioscience

  • Cyber (Database & Programming)

  • Film & Marketing

  • Aircraft Structural Technology

  • Aviation Maintenance Technology

  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Robotics

  • Fish & Wildlife Management

  • Fire Science Technology

  • Any discipline showcasing a robust Safety & Quality Program

All Colleges and Universities in the University System of Georgia will train students for careers in the Commercial Space Industry